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Basketball Player Statistics

National Basketball Association (NBA) & American Basketball Assocation (ABA)

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Basketball Historian's Database contains the statistics of players in the NBA and ABA through the 2004-05 season. Steals, blocked shots, and turnovers were not kept as official statistics until the 1970s and so may show as "0" for the early years. Just use our index above to find your favorite player or type the name in the search engine below.

First Name Last Name

Name Birthdate
Joe Pace 12/18/1953
Zaza Pachulia 2/10/1984
Robert Pack 2/3/1969
Wayne Pack 7/5/1950
Gerald Paddio 4/21/1965
Scott Padgett 4/19/1976
Dana Pagett 3/29/1949
Fred Paine 12/7/1925
Milt Palacio 2/7/1978
Togo Palazzi 8/8/1932
Errol Palmer 1/1/1945
Jim Palmer 6/8/1933
John Palmer 9/14/1921
Walter Palmer 10/23/1968
Andy Panko 11/29/1977
Jannero Pargo 9/22/1979
Estes Parham 12/27/1921
Robert Parish 8/30/1953
Medford Park 4/11/1933
Anthony Parker 6/19/1975
Smush Parker 6/1/1981
Sonny Parker 3/22/1955
Tony Parker 5/17/1982
Barry Parkhill 5/10/1951
Jack Parkinson 3/4/1924
Charley Parks 1/1/1946
Cherokee Parks 10/11/1972
Rich Parks 10/28/1943
Jack Parr 3/13/1936
Doyle Parrack 12/6/1921
Charlie Parsley 10/13/1925
Zarko Paspalj 3/27/1966
Marty Passaglia 4/22/1919
George Pastushok 1/1/1923
Myles Patrick 11/19/1954
Stan Patrick 5/5/1922
Andrae Patterson 11/12/1975
George Patterson 11/26/1939
Ruben Patterson 7/31/1975
Steve Patterson 6/24/1948
Tommy Patterson 10/15/1948
Worthy Patterson 6/17/1931
Charlie Paulk 6/14/1946
Jerry Paulson 7/21/1935
Billy Paultz 7/30/1948
Aleksandar Pavlovic 11/15/1983
Jim Paxson 7/9/1957
Jim Paxson 12/19/1932
John Paxson 9/29/1960
Johnny Payak 11/20/1926
Kenny Payne 11/25/1966
Tom Payne 11/19/1950
Gary Payton 7/23/1968
Mel Payton 7/16/1926
George Pearcy 7/2/1919
Henry Pearcy 7/21/1922
Wiley Peck 9/15/1957
Richard Peek 10/28/1943
Anthony Peeler 11/25/1969
George Peeples 10/30/1943
Jake Pelkington 1/3/1916
Sam Pellom 10/2/1951
Mike Penberthy 11/29/1973
Jerry Pender 2/12/1950
Desmond Penigar 7/16/1981
Kirk Penney 11/23/1980
Mike Peplowski 10/15/1970
Will Perdue 8/29/1965
Kendrick Perkins 11/10/1984
Sam Perkins 6/14/1961
Warren Perkins 2/2/1924
Aulcie Perry 7/3/1950
Curtis Perry 9/13/1948
Elliot Perry 3/28/1969
Ron Perry 12/29/1943
Tim Perry 6/4/1965
Chuck Person 6/27/1964
Wesley Person 3/28/1971
Jim Petersen 2/22/1962
Loy Petersen 7/26/1945
Bob Peterson 1/25/1932
Ed Peterson 6/27/1924
Mel Peterson 3/23/1938
Morris Peterson 8/26/1977
Geoff Petrie 4/17/1948
Drazen Petrovic 10/22/1964
Richard Petruska 1/25/1969
Bob Pettit 12/12/1932
Jerry Pettway 2/13/1944
Roger Phegley 10/16/1956
Jack Phelan 11/6/1925
Jim Phelan 3/19/1929
Derrick Phelps 7/31/1972
Mike Phelps 10/3/1961
Andy Phillip 3/7/1922
Eddie Phillips 9/29/1961
Gary Phillips 12/7/1939
Gene Phillips 10/25/1948
Bobby Phills 12/20/1969
Eric Piatkowski 9/30/1970
Walt Piatkowski 6/11/1945
Paul Pierce 10/13/1977
Ricky Pierce 8/19/1959
Stan Pietkiewicz 7/14/1956
Mickael Pietrus 2/7/1982
John Pilch 7/11/1925
Ed Pinckney 3/27/1963
John Pinone 2/19/1961
Dave Piontek 8/27/1934
Tom Piotrowski 10/17/1960
Scottie Pippen 9/25/1965
Charlie Pittman 3/23/1958
Zoran Planinic 9/12/1982
Gary Plummer 2/21/1962
Pavel Podkolzine 1/15/1985
Dwayne Polee 3/2/1963
Jim Pollard 7/9/1922
Scot Pollard 2/12/1975
Ralph Polson 10/26/1929
Olden Polynice 11/21/1964
Cliff Pondexter 9/15/1954
David Pope 4/15/1962
Mark Pope 9/11/1972
Dave Popson 5/17/1964
Ben Poquette 5/7/1955
Chris Porter 5/9/1978
Howard Porter 8/31/1948
Kevin Porter 4/17/1950
Terry Porter 4/8/1963
Willie Porter 7/3/1942
Bob Portman 3/22/1947
James Posey 1/13/1977
Lavor Postell 2/26/1978
John Postley 5/30/1940
Vitaly Potapenko 3/21/1975
Cincy Powell 2/25/1942
Marlbert Pradd 11/17/1944
Mike Pratt 8/4/1948
Paul Pressey 12/24/1958
Dominic Pressley 5/30/1964
Harold Pressley 7/14/1963
Steve Previs 2/9/1950
Brent Price 12/9/1968
Jim Price 11/27/1949
Mark Price 2/15/1964
Mike Price 9/11/1948
Tony Price 1/5/1957
Bob Priddy 3/24/1930
Tayshaun Prince 2/28/1980
John Pritchard 1/23/1927
Kevin Pritchard 7/17/1967
Laron Profit 8/5/1977
Joel Przybilla 10/10/1979
Les Pugh 9/18/1923
Roy Pugh 1/1/1923
Anthony Pullard 6/23/1966
Don Putman 11/13/1922

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