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Basketball Player Statistics

National Basketball Association (NBA) & American Basketball Assocation (ABA)

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Basketball Historian's Database contains the statistics of players in the NBA and ABA through the 2004-05 season. Steals, blocked shots, and turnovers were not kept as official statistics until the 1970s and so may show as "0" for the early years. Just use our index above to find your favorite player or type the name in the search engine below.

First Name Last Name

Name Birthdate
Billy Gabor 5/13/1922
Dan Gadzuric 8/2/1978
Elmer Gainer 1/1/1919
Bill Gaines 3/10/1946
Corey Gaines 6/1/1965
David Gaines 2/27/1942
Reece Gaines 1/7/1981
Mike Gale 7/18/1950
Chad Gallagher 5/30/1969
Harry Gallatin 4/26/1927
Dave Gambee 4/16/1937
Kevin Gamble 11/13/1965
Bob Gantt 6/22/1922
Ruben Garces 10/17/1973
Alex Garcia 3/4/1980
Chuck Gardner 9/30/1944
Earl Gardner 9/18/1923
Kenny Gardner 9/27/1949
Vern Gardner 5/14/1925
Jack Garfinkel 6/13/1918
Gary Garland 10/12/1957
Winston Garland 12/19/1964
Dick Garmaker 10/29/1932
Bill Garner 6/17/1940
Chris Garner 2/2/1975
Bill Garnett 4/22/1960
Kevin Garnett 5/19/1976
Marlon Garnett 7/3/1975
Calvin Garrett 7/11/1956
Dean Garrett 11/27/1966
Eldo Garrett 1/31/1947
Rowland Garrett 7/16/1950
Tom Garrick 7/7/1966
John Garris 6/6/1959
Kiwane Garris 9/24/1974
Pat Garrity 8/23/1976
Jim Garvin 2/5/1950
Pau Gasol 7/6/1980
Frank Gates 4/12/1920
Chris Gatling 9/3/1967
Kenny Gattison 5/23/1964
Ed Gayda 5/11/1927
Andrew Gaze 7/24/1965
Reggie Geary 8/31/1973
Matt Geiger 9/10/1969
Devean George 8/29/1977
Jack George 11/13/1928
Tate George 5/29/1968
Gus Gerard 7/27/1953
Derrick Gervin 3/28/1963
George Gervin 4/27/1952
Gorham Getchell 8/14/1920
John Gianelli 6/10/1950
Dick Gibbs 12/20/1948
Dee Gibson 8/25/1923
Mel Gibson 12/30/1940
Mike Gibson 10/27/1960
Ward Gibson 12/5/1921
Eddie Gill 8/16/1978
Kendall Gill 5/25/1968
Ben Gillery 9/19/1965
Jack Gillespie 10/1/1947
Gene Gillette 1/1/1921
Armen Gilliam 5/28/1964
Herm Gilliam 5/5/1946
Artis Gilmore 9/21/1948
Walt Gilmore 2/27/1947
Chuck Gilmur 8/13/1922
Emmanuel Ginobili 7/28/1977
Gordan Giricek 6/20/1977
Jack Givens 9/21/1956
George Glamack 6/7/1919
Gerald Glass 11/12/1967
Mike Glenn 9/10/1955
Norman Glick 11/10/1927
Georgi Glouchkov 1/10/1960
Clarence Glover 11/1/1947
Dion Glover 10/22/1978
Mike Gminski 8/3/1959
Dan Godfread 6/14/1967
Tom Gola 1/13/1933
Ben Goldfaden 9/6/1913
Anthony Goldwire 9/6/1971
Glen Gondrezick 8/30/1955
Grant Gondrezick 1/19/1963
Drew Gooden 9/24/1981
Gail Goodrich 4/23/1943
Steve Goodrich 3/18/1976
Wilfred Goodwin 12/22/1920
Ben Gordon 4/4/1983
Lancaster Gordon 6/24/1962
Paul Gordon 4/8/1927
Leo Gottlieb 11/28/1920
Gerald Govan 1/2/1942
Bato Govedarica 4/17/1928
Joe Graboski 1/15/1930
Ricky Grace 8/20/1967
Cal Graham 6/7/1944
Greg Graham 11/26/1970
Mal Graham 2/23/1945
Orlando Graham 5/5/1965
Paul Graham 11/28/1967
Jim Grandholm 10/4/1960
Ron Grandison 7/9/1964
Stewart Granger 10/27/1961
Brian Grant 3/5/1972
Bud Grant 5/20/1927
Gary Grant 4/21/1965
Greg Grant 8/29/1966
Harvey Grant 7/4/1965
Horace Grant 7/4/1965
Josh Grant 8/7/1967
Paul Grant 1/6/1974
Travis Grant 1/1/1950
Don Grate 8/27/1923
Butch Graves 1/5/1962
Devin Gray 5/31/1972
Ed Gray 9/27/1975
Evric Gray 12/13/1969
Gary Gray 2/23/1945
Leonard Gray 12/19/1951
Stuart Gray 5/27/1963
Sylvester Gray 7/8/1967
Wyndol Gray 3/20/1922
Jeff Grayer 12/17/1965
Bob Greacen 9/15/1947
A.c. Green 10/4/1963
Johnny Green 12/8/1933
Ken Green 9/19/1959
Kenny Green 10/11/1964
Lamar Green 3/22/1947
Litterial Green 3/7/1970
Luther Green 11/13/1946
Mike Green 8/6/1951
Rickey Green 8/18/1954
Sean Green 2/2/1970
Si Green 8/20/1933
Sidney Green 1/4/1961
Steve Green 10/4/1953
Tommy Green 4/8/1956
Willie Green 7/28/1981
Jerry Greenspan 11/22/1941
David Greenwood 5/27/1957
Hal Greer 6/26/1936
Gary Gregor 8/13/1945
Claude Gregory 12/26/1958
John Greig 4/28/1961
Norm Grekin 6/22/1930
Kevin Grevey 5/12/1953
Dennis Grey 8/26/1947
Adrian Griffin 7/4/1974
Eddie Griffin 5/30/1982
Greg Griffin 9/6/1952
Paul Griffin 1/20/1954
Darrell Griffith 6/16/1958
Chuck Grigsby 8/15/1928
Derek Grimm 8/3/1974
George Grimshaw 9/24/1919
Dick Groat 11/4/1930
Bob Gross 8/3/1953
Mike Grosso 9/7/1947
Jerry Grote 12/28/1940
Alex Groza 10/7/1926
Dick Grubar 7/26/1947
Ernie Grunfeld 4/24/1955
Gene Guarilia 9/13/1937
Petur Gudmundsson 10/30/1958
Richie Guerin 5/29/1932
Tom Gugliotta 12/19/1969
Andres Guibert 10/28/1968
Jay Guidinger 8/18/1969
Coulby Gunther 2/5/1923
Dave Gunther 7/22/1937
Al Guokas 8/7/1925
Matt Guokas 2/25/1944
Matt Guokas 11/11/1915
A.j. Guyton 2/13/1978

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