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Basketball Player Statistics

National Basketball Association (NBA) & American Basketball Assocation (ABA)

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Basketball Historian's Database contains the statistics of players in the NBA and ABA through the 2004-05 season. Steals, blocked shots, and turnovers were not kept as official statistics until the 1970s and so may show as "0" for the early years. Just use our index above to find your favorite player or type the name in the search engine below.

First Name Last Name

Name Birthdate
Rudy Hackett 5/10/1953
Jim Hadnot 1/15/1940
Scott Haffner 2/2/1966
Cliff Hagan 12/9/1931
Glenn Hagan 6/25/1955
Tom Hagan 1/29/1947
Bob Hahn 8/25/1925
Al Hairston 12/11/1945
Happy Hairston 5/31/1942
Lindsay Hairston 12/8/1951
Marcus Haislip 12/22/1980
Chuck Halbert 2/27/1919
Harvey Halbrook 1/30/1933
Bruce Hale 8/30/1918
Hal Hale 9/21/1945
Jack Haley 1/27/1964
Shaler Halimon 3/30/1945
Jeff Halliburton 7/3/1949
Darvin Ham 7/23/1973
Steve Hamer 11/13/1973
Dale Hamilton 8/16/1919
Dennis Hamilton 5/8/1944
Joe Hamilton 7/5/1948
Ralph Hamilton 6/10/1921
Richard Hamilton 2/14/1978
Roylee Hamilton 7/20/1957
Steve Hamilton 11/30/1935
Tang Hamilton 5/26/1978
Thomas Hamilton 4/3/1975
Zendon Hamilton 4/29/1975
Geert Hammink 4/12/1969
Julian Hammond 5/27/1943
Tom Hammonds 3/27/1967
Joe Hamood 9/7/1943
Darrin Hancock 11/3/1971
Ben Handlogten 11/12/1973
Cecil Hankins 1/6/1922
Phil Hankinson 7/26/1951
Alex Hannum 7/19/1923
Don Hanrahan 2/6/1929
Rollen Hans 4/13/1931
Bob Hansen 1/18/1961
Glenn Hansen 4/21/1952
Lars Hansen 9/14/1954
Travis Hansen 4/15/1978
Reggie Hanson 10/6/1968
Bill Hanzlik 12/6/1957
Anfernee Hardaway 7/18/1971
Tim Hardaway 9/1/1966
Reggie Harding 5/4/1942
Charlie Hardnett 9/13/1938
Alan Hardy 5/25/1957
Darrell Hardy 1/1/1944
James Hardy 12/1/1956
Ira Harge 3/14/1941
John Hargis 8/20/1920
Jerry Harkness 5/7/1940
Skip Harlicka 10/14/1946
Jerome Harmon 2/6/1969
Derek Harper 10/13/1961
Mike Harper 12/9/1957
Ron Harper 1/20/1964
Matt Harpring 5/31/1976
Adam Harrington 7/5/1980
Al Harrington 2/17/1980
Lorinza Harrington 10/2/1980
Othella Harrington 1/31/1974
Art Harris 1/13/1947
Bernie Harris 11/26/1950
Billy Harris 11/12/1951
Bob Harris 3/16/1927
Chris Harris 8/11/1933
Devin Harris 2/27/1983
Lucious Harris 12/18/1970
Steve Harris 10/15/1963
Tony Harris 5/13/1967
Bob Harrison 8/12/1927
David Harrison 8/15/1982
Jason Hart 4/29/1978
Antonio Harvey 7/6/1970
Donnell Harvey 8/26/1980
Scott Haskin 9/19/1970
Clem Haskins 7/11/1943
Udonis Haslem 6/9/1980
Trenton Hassell 3/4/1979
Billy Hassett 10/21/1921
Joey Hassett 9/11/1955
Scott Hastings 6/3/1960
Kirk Haston 3/10/1979
Vern Hatton 1/13/1936
John Havlicek 4/8/1940
Steve Hawes 5/26/1950
Connie Hawkins 7/17/1942
Hersey Hawkins 9/29/1966
Juaquin Hawkins 7/2/1973
Marshall Hawkins 8/3/1924
Michael Hawkins 10/28/1972
Robert Hawkins 6/30/1954
Tom Hawkins 12/22/1936
Nate Hawthorne 1/15/1950
Elvin Hayes 11/17/1945
Jarvis Hayes 8/9/1981
Jim Hayes 2/18/1948
Steve Hayes 8/2/1955
Brendan Haywood 11/11/1979
Spencer Haywood 4/22/1949
John Hazen 2/2/1927
Walt Hazzard 4/15/1942
Shane Heal 9/6/1971
Brian Heaney 9/3/1946
Garfield Heard 5/3/1948
Herm Hedderick 1/1/1930
Alvin Heggs 12/12/1967
Tom Heinsohn 8/26/1934
Dick Hemric 8/29/1933
Alan Henderson 12/2/1972
Cedric Henderson 10/3/1965
Cedric Henderson 3/11/1975
Dave Henderson 7/21/1964
Gerald Henderson 1/16/1956
J.r. Henderson 10/30/1976
Jerome Henderson 10/5/1959
Kevin Henderson 3/22/1964
Tom Henderson 1/26/1952
Mark Hendrickson 6/23/1974
Larry Hennessy 5/20/1929
Don Henriksen 10/10/1929
Al Henry 2/9/1949
Bill Henry 12/27/1924
Carl Henry 8/16/1960
Conner Henry 7/21/1963
Skeeter Henry 12/8/1967
Steve Henson 2/2/1968
Charlie Hentz 9/13/1947
Bill Herman 5/17/1924
Clarence Hermsen 3/12/1923
Chris Herren 9/27/1975
Carl Herrera 12/14/1966
Keith Herron 6/14/1956
Sidney Hertzberg 7/29/1922
Dan Hester 11/8/1948
Fred Hetzel 7/21/1942
Bill Hewitt 8/8/1944
Jack Hewson 9/7/1924
Art Heyman 6/24/1941
Matthew Hickey 1/30/1902
Phil Hicks 1/31/1953
Bill Higgins 12/15/1952
Earlie Higgins 12/30/1946
Mike Higgins 2/17/1967
Rod Higgins 1/31/1960
Sean Higgins 12/30/1968
Kenny Higgs 1/31/1955
Johnny High 4/25/1957
Wayne Hightower 1/14/1940
Maybyner Hilario 9/13/1982
Armond Hill 3/31/1953
Cleo Hill 5/24/1938
Gary Hill 10/7/1941
Grant Hill 10/5/1972
Simmie Hill 11/14/1946
Tyrone Hill 3/19/1968
Art Hillhouse 6/12/1916
Darnell Hillman 8/29/1949
Fred Hilton 1/15/1948
Kirk Hinrich 2/2/1981
Roy Hinson 5/2/1961
Mel Hirsch 7/31/1921
Lew Hitch 7/16/1929
Donald Hodge 2/25/1969
Craig Hodges 6/27/1960
Adolph Hoefer 7/12/1917
Paul Hoffman 4/12/1922
Bob Hogsett 1/29/1941
Paul Hogue 4/28/1940
Fred Hoiberg 10/15/1972
Doug Holcomb 2/9/1925
Brad Holland 12/6/1956
Joe Holland 9/26/1925
Wilbur Holland 11/8/1951
Lionel Hollins 10/19/1953
Essie Hollis 5/16/1955
Denny Holman 10/8/1945
Jim Holstein 9/24/1930
Alvin Holt 8/26/1946
Michael Holton 8/4/1961
Dick Holub 10/29/1921
Joe Holup 2/26/1934
Red Holzman 8/10/1920
Jerald Honeycutt 10/20/1974
Derek Hood 12/22/1976
Bob Hooper 12/22/1946
Carroll Hooser 3/5/1944
Tom Hoover 1/23/1941
Bob Hopkins 11/3/1934
Dave Hoppen 3/13/1964
Dennis Hopson 4/22/1965
Johnny Horan 11/24/1932
Cedrick Hordges 1/8/1957
Tito Horford 1/19/1966
Ron Horn 5/24/1938
Jeff Hornacek 5/3/1963
Robert Horry 8/25/1970
Ed Horton 12/17/1967
Wilmer Hosket 12/20/1946
Bob Houbregs 3/12/1932
Eddie House 5/14/1978
Allan Houston 4/20/1971
Byron Houston 11/22/1969
Tom Hovasse 1/31/1967
Brian Howard 10/19/1967
Dwight Howard 12/8/1985
Greg Howard 1/8/1948
Josh Howard 4/28/1980
Juwan Howard 2/7/1973
Mo Howard 8/25/1954
Otis Howard 11/5/1956
Stephen Howard 7/15/1970
Bailey Howell 1/20/1937
Bob Hubbard 12/27/1922
Phil Hubbard 12/13/1956
Lou Hudson 7/11/1944
Troy Hudson 3/13/1976
Nate Huffman 4/2/1975
Alfredrick Hughes 7/19/1962
Eddie Hughes 5/26/1960
Kim Hughes 6/4/1952
Larry Hughes 1/23/1979
Rick Hughes 8/22/1973
John Hummer 5/4/1948
Ryan Humphrey 7/24/1979
Jay Humphries 10/17/1962
Kris Humphries 2/6/1985
Rod Hundley 10/26/1934
Brandon Hunter 11/24/1980
Cedric Hunter 1/16/1965
Les Hunter 8/16/1942
Lindsey Hunter 12/3/1970
Steven Hunter 10/31/1981
Bobby Hurley 6/28/1971
Roy Hurley 8/12/1922
Geoff Huston 11/8/1957
Paul Huston 6/2/1925
Mel Hutchins 11/22/1928
Joe Hutton 10/6/1928
Greg Hyder 6/21/1948

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