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Basketball Player Statistics

National Basketball Association (NBA) & American Basketball Assocation (ABA)

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Basketball Historian's Database contains the statistics of players in the NBA and ABA through the 2004-05 season. Steals, blocked shots, and turnovers were not kept as official statistics until the 1970s and so may show as "0" for the early years. Just use our index above to find your favorite player or type the name in the search engine below.

First Name Last Name

Name Birthdate
Mike D'antoni 5/8/1951
Mike Dabich 12/27/1942
Ed Dahler 1/31/1926
Quintin Dailey 1/22/1961
Samuel Dalembert 5/10/1981
Howie Dallmar 5/24/1922
Erick Dampier 7/14/1974
Lou Dampier 11/20/1944
Bob Dandridge 11/15/1947
Antonio Daniels 3/19/1975
Erik Daniels 4/1/1982
Lloyd Daniels 9/4/1967
Marquis Daniels 1/7/1981
Mel Daniels 7/20/1944
Predrag Danilovic 2/26/1970
Adrian Dantley 2/28/1956
Mike Dantoni n/a
Henry Darcey 3/3/1930
Jimmy Darden 6/19/1922
Oliver Darden 7/28/1944
Yinka Dare 10/10/1972
Jesse Dark 9/2/1951
Rick Darnell 1/1/1953
Jimmy Darrow 9/25/1937
Brad Daugherty 10/19/1965
Mack Daughtry 1/1/1947
Kornel David 10/22/1971
Bob Davies 1/15/1920
Antonio Davis 10/31/1968
Aubrey Davis 3/28/1921
Baron Davis 4/13/1979
Ben Davis 12/26/1972
Bill Davis 10/3/1921
Bob Davis 4/2/1950
Brad Davis 12/17/1955
Brian Davis 6/21/1970
Charlie Davis 9/7/1949
Charlie Davis 10/5/1958
Dale Davis 3/25/1969
Dwight Davis 10/28/1949
Edward Davis 6/16/1950
Emanual Davis 8/27/1968
Harry Davis 1/27/1956
Hubert Davis 5/17/1970
James Davis 4/22/1932
Jim Davis 12/18/1941
Johnny Davis 10/21/1955
Josh Davis 8/10/1980
Lee Davis 10/11/1945
Mark Davis 4/26/1973
Mark Davis 6/8/1963
Mel Davis 11/9/1950
Michael Davis 8/2/1956
Mickey Davis n/a
Mike Davis 7/26/1946
Monti Davis 7/26/1958
Ralph Davis 9/7/1938
Ricky Davis 9/23/1979
Ron Davis 5/1/1954
Terry Davis 6/17/1967
Walt Davis 1/5/1931
Walter Davis 9/9/1954
Warren Davis 6/30/1943
Willie Davis 8/9/1945
Darryl Dawkins 1/11/1957
Johnny Dawkins 9/28/1963
Paul Dawkins 6/10/1957
James Dawson 4/18/1945
Tony Dawson 8/25/1967
Todd Day 1/7/1970
Darren Daye 11/30/1960
Greg Deane 12/6/1957
Billy Deangelis 10/5/1946
Dave Debusschere 10/16/1940
Andrew Declercq 2/1/1973
Don Dee 8/9/1943
Archie Dees 2/22/1936
Terry Dehere 9/12/1971
Henry Dehnert 1/1/1924
Vinny Del Negro 8/9/1966
Bison Dele 4/6/1969
Carlos Delfino 8/29/1982
Tony Delk 1/28/1974
Nate Delong 1/5/1926
Fennis Dembo 1/24/1966
Larry Demic 6/27/1957
Dell Demps 2/12/1970
George Dempsey 7/19/1929
Luol Deng 4/16/1985
Kenny Dennard 10/18/1958
Blaine Denning 9/19/1930
Randy Denton 2/18/1949
Joe Depre 12/19/1947
Rod Derline 3/11/1952
Dave Deutsch 5/13/1945
Walter Devlin 12/21/1931
Hank Dezonie 2/12/1922
Derrick Dial 12/20/1975
Boris Diaw 4/16/1982
Dan Dickau 9/16/1978
Kaniel Dickens 7/21/1978
Henry Dickerson 11/27/1951
Michael Dickerson 6/25/1975
Clyde Dickey 12/14/1951
Derrek Dickey 3/20/1951
Dick Dickey 10/26/1926
John Dickson 11/18/1945
Connie Dierking 10/2/1936
Coby Dietrick 7/23/1948
Ernie Digregorio 1/15/1951
Craig Dill 12/17/1944
Mickey Dillard 10/15/1958
Wayne Dillard n/a
Bob Dille 7/2/1917
John Dillon 1/8/1924
Byron Dinkins 6/15/1967
Jackie Dinkins 1/22/1950
Harry Dinnel 1/1/1941
Bill Dinwiddie 7/15/1943
Desagana Diop 1/30/1982
Terry Dischinger 11/21/1940
Fred Diute 1/9/1929
Vlade Divac 2/3/1968
Juan Dixon 10/9/1978
Aleksi Djordjevic 8/26/1967
Earl Dodd 11/1/1924
Michael Doleac 6/15/1977
Joe Dolhon 7/9/1927
Bob Doll 8/10/1919
James Donaldson 8/16/1957
Bob Donham 10/11/1926
Billy Donovan 5/30/1965
Harry Donovan 9/10/1926
Keyon Dooling 5/8/1980
Jacky Dorsey 12/18/1954
Ron Dorsey 10/10/1948
Bruce Douglas 4/9/1964
John Douglas 6/12/1956
Leon Douglas 8/26/1954
Sherman Douglas 9/15/1966
Lloyd Dove 8/16/1945
Sonny Dove n/a
Jerry Dover 10/16/1949
Bill Downey 11/11/1923
Steve Downing 9/9/1950
Danny Doyle 2/6/1940
Terry Dozier 6/29/1966
Greg Dreiling 11/7/1963
Bryce Drew 9/21/1974
John Drew 9/30/1954
Larry Drew 4/2/1958
Clyde Drexler 6/22/1962
Nate Driggers 10/12/1973
Terry Driscoll 8/28/1947
Predrag Drobnjak 10/27/1975
Ralph Drollinger 4/20/1954
Dick Duckett 3/25/1933
Kevin Duckworth 4/1/1964
Charles Dudley 3/5/1950
Chris Dudley 2/22/1965
Terry Duerod 7/29/1956
Bob Duffy 7/5/1922
Bob Duffy 9/26/1940
Chris Duhon 8/31/1982
Walter Dukes 6/23/1930
Joe Dumars 5/24/1963
Rich Dumas 1/1/1945
Richard Dumas 5/19/1969
Tony Dumas 8/25/1972
Andy Duncan 4/17/1922
Tim Duncan 4/25/1976
Mike Dunleavy 3/21/1954
Mike Dunleavy 9/15/1980
Pat Dunn 3/17/1931
T.r. Dunn 2/1/1955
Ronald Dupree 1/26/1981
John Duren 10/30/1958
Jarrett Durham 8/22/1949
Pat Durham 3/10/1967
Devin Durrant 10/20/1960
Ken Durrett 12/8/1948
Dennis Duval 3/31/1952
Jack Dwan 5/3/1921
Craig Dykema 6/11/1959
Gene Dyker 2/17/1930

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